Maine antique and vintage postcards

Maine antique and vintage postcards
Abbott Memorial Library and Town Hall Dexter Maine
Abbott Memorial Library and Town Hall Dexter Maine postcard Postmark - ???? Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners..
Allens Motel and Chateau Sanford Maine
Allens Motel & Chateau Sanford Maine postcard Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners, marks on card front, soiling/marks ..
Along the Bluffs Bay Drive Bar Harbor Maine
Along the Bluffs Bay Drive Bar Harbor Maine postcard Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners, stain on reverse, marks on card front, s..
Androscoggin Mill Lewiston Maine
Androscoggin Mill Lewiston Maine postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, creases in top two corners, album impression marks around corne..
Arnold Marker Quebec Road Caratunk Maine
Arnold Marker Quebec Road Caratunk Maine postcard Used Postmark - 1952 Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners, curl to card, soilin..
B H Bartol Library Carnegie Building Freeport Maine
B H Bartol Library Carnegie Building Freeport Maine postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners, soiling/marks ..
Bancroft Motor Court US 1A Ellsworth Falls Maine
Bancroft Motor Court US 1A Ellsworth Falls Maine postcard Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners and by bottom right corner, marks on..
Bangor House Bangor Maine
Bangor House Bangor Maine postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners, mark below center of top edge, soiling/marks ..
Bangor Maine Bangor from east bank of Penobscot River
Bangor Maine Bangor from east bank of Penobscot River postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, soiling/marks ..
Bar Harbor from Bar Island Maine
Bar Harbor from Bar Island Maine postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, soiling/marks ..
Bay of Naples Inn Steamboat and Landing Bay of Naples Maine
Bay of Naples Inn Steamboat and Landing Bay of Naples Maine postcard Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, marks on card..
Bay View Hotel South Brookville Maine
Bay View Hotel South Brookville Maine postcard Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corner, curl to card, marks on card front, soil..
Beaver Dam Kingfield Maine
Beaver Dam Kingfield Maine postcard Unused Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, curl to card, soiling/marks ..
Belgrade Lakes from Yardley Hill
Belgrade Lakes from Yardley Hill postcard Used Postmark - 193? Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in top right corner, marks on..
Bernard from McKinley Maine
Bernard from McKinley Maine postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in top right corner, soiling/marks ..
Bethel Maine
Bethel Maine postcard Used Postmark - 1906 Condition - corner/edge wear, cancellation impression/mark on front, soiling/marks ..
Bethel Maine from Sunset Rock
Bethel Maine from Sunset Rock postcard Used Condition - corner/edge wear, soiling/marks ..
Birches at the Water's Edge Lakewood Skowhegan Maine
Birches at the Water's Edge Lakewood Skowhegan Maine postcard Used Postmark - 1930 Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners, cance..
Birds Eye view of Winthrop Maine
Birds Eye view of Winthrop Maine postcard Used Condition - corner/edge wear, soiling/marks ..
Blaisdel Cottages York Harbor Maine
Blaisdel Cottages York Harbor Maine postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, album marks around corners, marks in skyline, soiling/mark..