Ohio antique and vintage postcards

Ohio antique and vintage postcards
Institution for Feeble-Minded Columbus Ohio
Institution for Feeble-Minded Columbus Ohio postcard Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners and in top edge left of center..
Interior of Auditorium Lakeside Ohio on Lake Erie seating capacity 4000
Interior of Auditorium Lakeside Ohio on Lake Erie seating capacity 4000 postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, soiling/marks ..
Interior of Coliseum Ohio State Fair Grounds Columbus Ohio
Interior of Coliseum Ohio State Fair Grounds Columbus Ohio postcard Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners and by top left..
Interior of Largest and Finest Dancing Pavilion in the World Euclid Beach Park Cleveland Ohio
Interior of Largest and Finest Dancing Pavilion in the World Euclid Beach Park Cleveland Ohio postcard Postmark - 1912 Condition - notic..
Interior of Post Office Cleveland Ohio
Interior of Post Office Cleveland Ohio postcard Used Postmark - 1912 Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, album impress..
Interior St Anns Church Youngstown Ohio
Interior St Ann's Church Youngstown Ohio postcard Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners and left of card center, album im..
Inverness Country Club Toledo Ohio
Inverness Country Club Toledo Ohio postcard Unused Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, soiling/marks ..
Iron Industry Cleveland Ohio
Iron Industry Cleveland Ohio postcard Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, marks on card front, soiling/marks ..
Italian Room Hotel Gibson Cincinnati
Italian Room Hotel Gibson Cincinnati postcard Unused Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, soiling/marks ..
Jefferson Street High School Delphos Ohio
Jefferson Street High School Delphos Ohio postcard Postmark - 1911 Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, cancelat..
Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church Columbiana Ohio
Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church Columbiana Ohio postcard Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners, full height vertical crease le..
June 1911 Calendar - Washington Savings Bank and Trust Co. Ohio
June 1911 Calendar - Washington Savings Bank and Trust Co. Ohio postcard Used Postmark - 1911 Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, cr..
Junior High School Conneaut Ohio
Junior High School Conneaut Ohio postcard Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners and above bottom edge left of center, cre..
Knox County Memorial Mt Vernon Ohio
Knox County Memorial Mt Vernon Ohio postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, soiling/marks ..
Lagoon and Chute the Chutes Luna Park at Night Cleveland Ohio
Lagoon and Chute the Chutes Luna Park at Night Cleveland Ohio postcard Used Postmark - 1915 Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in co..
Lagoon Luna Park Cleveland Ohio
Lagoon Luna Park Cleveland Ohio postcard Unused Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, marks on card front, soiling/marks ..
Lake Erie College Painesville Ohio
Lake Erie College Painesville Ohio postcard Unused Condition - corner/edge wear, crease in corners, marks on card front, soiling/marks ..
Lake View Cemetery Cleveland Ohio
Lake View Cemetery Cleveland Ohio postcard Postmark - 1905 Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, heavy crease by bottom..
Lakeside Hospital Cleveland Ohio
Lakeside Hospital Cleveland Ohio postcard Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, heavy crease by lower right corner, marks on ..
Lawnfield home of James A Garfield Mentor Ohio
Lawnfield home of James A Garfield Mentor Ohio postcard Condition - noticeable corner/edge wear, crease in corners, indentation mark bel..