Berlin Pond Vermont

  • 06 Sep 2020

How did this postcard travel 194 miles in one day?

This postcard of Berlin Pond in Vermont caught my attention.  It looks like it was mailed on January 17, 1908 PM from West Berlin, Vermont and it arrived in Gloucester, Massachusetts on January 18, 1908 6:30 PM.  That is one day to go about 194 miles (using an internet map today).  If you were to drive that today, with our high speed highways, that would take about four hours.

How did that postcard get to its destination so quickly? The Pony Express ended around 1861 so it wasn’t that.  

Without the super highways of today, the automobiles that were produced in 1908 would have had a very long journey to travel the 194 miles.

How about trains?  Was this postcard put on a train and transported via the rails?

I believe airmail service did not start until about 1918 so it wasn’t that

This postcard is 112 years old and is keeping its secret of how it got from Vermont to Massachusetts in one day. 

Berlin Pond is still a tranquil location about six miles from the capitol of Montpelier, Vermont. There are many recreation activities you can do here, while still only a short distance from the city. Berlin Pond is 286 acres and the activities include hiking, swimming, boating and fishing.  Each season has its own treasures to offer. If you are not able to get there in person, I believe there is a virtual tour online that shows you some of what Berlin Pond has to offer.  



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